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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Addition is Really a Loss

Our wonderful mayor, a Mr. Rahm Emanuel, is proposing a longer school day for elementery students. According to him and his supporters, it will "bring the kind of change we need in the classroom to help our children get the world class education they deserve." Oh how false this statement is... 90 extra minutes for these kids won't change the type of education they are getting. 40 extra minutes for teachers won't change the quality of their teaching abilities. World class education starts with world class teachers, and here in Chicago, those are a rarity.
We have the nation's third largest school district (behind NY and LA). We pack 30 kids in a classroom and expect them to learn everything with no bumps or bruises. 90 extra minutes bumping elbows with tired kids and exhausted teachers doesn't sound too world class to me.
So how can we change it? Parents, I need you to complain. I need you to say that your kid is not in high school yet, nor does he or she work a 9-5. The world will take away their time soon enough... Let them enjoy their elementery school days without dragging them through the mud for 90 extra minutes. Everyone else... Well, you can complain too. The teachers aren't getting paid a world-class salary, and no amount of "teacher to teacher collaboration time" will be enough to raise the quality of the species of teacher that babysits instead of inspires.
Sorry Rahm, there's more important things to work on in the city that used to be murder capital of the world. Don't let Juarez, Mexico fool you... we're still not looking too good.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Me at the End

It's been a long trip in Mr. McCarthy's class. I can honestly say that my junior year of high school saw me mature the most. I've become a young woman that I'm proud of, and that I know my grandparents are proud of. So Jessica at the end is happy with her progress, and happy with her year in philosophy. Flashback time! These are some of the things I remember:

Mr. McCarthy: That's my wife... with my friend... on my couch... in my house.
Hannah: With your pictures on the wall?

The bell always rang in the middle of Annie's comment.

The way Phil got sooooo mad at Greg's remarks.

The way Jacky went to sleep EVERY SINGLE DAY.

The way McCarthy liked to pick on Suzy because she kept to herself and never did his work.

The faces Annie, Hannah and I would make at each other whenever something funny or stupid would happen.

And those are just a few... I'll miss you 6th period Philosophy. Signing off..... Jessica.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dear Future Philosphy Student!

Hey there kiddo,

         First thing first, you made a great choice (if you get McCarthy, that is. I'm not too sure about the other philosophy teachers...). Be happy that you chose Philosophy, I'm sure you'll like it. Here are some things you need to know, young blood:
1) Be open minded. Be understanding toward your own opinions, McCarthy's quirky thoughts, and the ideas of your classmates. If you combine all three of those throughout the year, you'll end up with an impressive collection of opinions.
2) Speak your mind. Don't be the silent jerk in class, that's no fun.
3) Don't push McCarthy. Take my word for it. You can play with the rules, but please don't disrespect him. He's an incredible man.
4) Just do the frreeaaakkiiinnn work. It's not that hard man, for real.
5) Have fun and make some friends.

These are just a few guidelines... There's more, but you'll have to figure those out for yourself. Enjoy =]


Thoughts About Earlier Thinking

This blog comes at a perfect time. Lately everyone has been telling me I changed. When I ask how, they give me vague answers such as, "you hang out with different people", "you act differently". Well... Yeah, of course. Doesn't everyone act differently as they get older? That's how I justify it, but I know there's some substance to their words.
They're right, I have changed. When I first came to Whitney Young as an Academic Center kid, I took strong stances so I wouldn't get swayed by the crowd. I said no drugs, no parties, no sex, no boyfriends, no anything that could be considered "bad". In 7th and 8th grade, this was a great startegy to avoid peer pressure. As I got older though, I realized that I took those stances for the wrong reasons. I wasn't saying no because I didn't want to, I was saying no because I thought it was the right thing to do and I thought those choices made me stronger, different, respectable, etc. That isn't necessarily the case. I'm realizing now that it isn't what you do, its how you do it. I'm realizing now that change is absolutely acceptable, as long as its handled with maturity and self-understanding.
So to my earlier thinking, I have this to say: some of your choices were good, some were bad, but always always be able to accept change within yourself and other people.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Surrounded by Cuckoos, But I Was the Crazy One

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one with common sense.
I watch Geana let herself be hurt over her boyfriend everyday. She hugs the good memories close to her chest for support, as shelter, and all of the bad things barrage her body, but she pretends she can't feel them. she pretends the only thing she can see is the good memories. She says that she'll endure the pain as long as the good times last. Wake up, Geana, they're gone. He's only hurting you. Yet you continue to stand in his line of fire and refuse to move. Why? How many times can I tell you that he's just one boy, not Superman, and he can't save you from yourself. I love you though, so I'll be there for you, but you sure are the crazy one. Maybe it's just a high school thing.
I watch my family ponder over how to deal with Joey, how to control his outbursts, change his attitude. I'm close to him so I know that all he needs is some love and kind words. They're too busy snapping their belts to notice that. He's just a preteen, I say, I went through the same phase of anger and rage and introvertedness. Give him time. But they dont want to. They want to fix the human condition right away. Silly family. But I love them anyway....
So maybe I'm the crazy one for loving too hard, too long, through anything?